IPARD yesterday / today / tomorrow – Shadow report on implementation of the IPARD programme in Croatia 2010 – 2012
The report on implementation of pre-accession Programme IPARD during 2010 – 2012 period was prepared within the project “Together for Sustainable Development in Croatia”. The project was implemented from March 2011 till march 2013 by ODRAZ with partners. The report is one of the capacity building tools for stakeholders in rural development.
The aims of the report IPARD yesterday/today/tomorrow were as follows:
- To cast light on the process of IPARD implementation in Croatia – first and foremost from the point of view of beneficiaries, as well as to suggest relevant improvements that can contribute to programming and implementation of a national programme of rural development 2014 – 2020;
- To encourage representatives of rural communities, especially CSOs and local development partnerships, to actively participate in creating, monitoring, analysing and evaluating of public policies that have a direct impact on the development of their regions and quality of life;
- To demonstrate to government bodies that gathering comments and suggestions made by various stakeholders which are directly or indirectly affected by implementation of a designated public policy, is indeed a path to a better public policy that will serve to interest of the entire community.
The purpose of this report is also informing on IPARD and its implementation, due to the fact that the level of general knowledge on IPARD is quite low and limited to a small number of experts, beneficiaries and consultants; i.e, those who were mostly directly involved in IPARD programming or/and implementation.
Co – editors: Croatian Rural Development Network – HMRR and ODRAZ – Sustainable Community Development, 2013