About us

ODRAZ – Sustainable Community Development is an independent civil society, non-profit organization gathering professionals from various fields, which design and apply sustainable development concepts for benefit of local communities

ODRAZ encourage and implement changes leading towards sustainability, operating at various levels, from local to national and international. It cooperates with civil society organisations, public, professional and business organisations, networks and experts. Many collaborators and volunteers take part in its activities, in addition to employees.


ODRAZ team is dedicated to contributing to creation of social, economic and political environment enabling sustainable development.


  • implementation of non-formal education for sustainable development• implementation of thematic workshops, consultations and expert discussions
  • implementation of activities and projects in the field of social innovation
  • development, implementation and promotion of participatory management methods
  • encouragement and support to networking of stakeholders regarding sustainable development issues
  • encouraging networking of representatives of cities and other stakeholders, and transfer of knowledge and good practice in the field of sustainable mobility
  • encouraging the participation of citizens involvement in decision-making processes
  • active contribution to shaping and monitoring of implementation of public policies in areas that are related to ODRAZ’s work and activities
  • collecting, exchanging and publishing of information and sharing experience
  • cooperation with relevant stakeholders in formulating strategic directions, implementing and monitoring sustainable local and rural development projects
  • strengthening capacities of civil, public and business sector for multi-sectoral development partnerships
  • encouraging media to enhance their interest on sustainable development issues
  • contribution to the dialogue with the European institutions on development issues


  • 93 implemented sustainable/rural development projects with Croatian and international partners
  • 695 attendants of ODRAZ’s Sustainable Development School
  • 14.378 participants of thematic workshops, round tables and other events
  • 680 members of the Community Network
  • more than 215 members of CIVINET Slovenia-Croatia-SEE Network
  • 38 publications and manuals
  • 17 short educational films
  • 1.673 bulletins e-ODRAZ since 2005
  • 115 bulletins CIVINET Info since 2013
  • more than 100,000 visits of ODRAZ’s web site per year and more than 11.000 followers on Facebook

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