ODRAZ goals
- To encourage the sustainable development of local communities by promoting cooperation within and between sectors, and strengthen the capacity of all stakeholders through informal education, organizing meetings, information, publishing, etc.).
- To contribute to the democratization and development of civil society by influencing the design and by monitoring the implementation of public policies and cooperation with relevant stakeholders
- Strengthen the capacities and improve the quality of ODRAZ work
For the implementation of the strategy ODRAZ will conduct a variety of activities, such as:
- School for Sustainable Local Development
- Community Network-support for HMRR
- Rural Development Projects
- Reflections of civil society – working with the media
- Consulting
- Informing
- Networking
- Publishing
- Participation in the shaping of public policies and regulations through the work of the councils, committees and other bodies
- Monitoring the situation and information in the field of rural and sustainable development, and civil society
- Cooperation with relevant stakeholders from all sectors and at all levels to strengthen public dialogue
- Raising awareness of the public sector and encouraging the public to participate in decision-making
- Education
- Participation on study visits
- Improving the management process
- Improving internal communications
- Monitoring and introducing new technologies
- Activities to ensure its own premises
- Strengthening the image and recognition of ODRAZ