CIVINET Slovenia-Croatia-South East Europe
[ONGOING] It is a network of cities and other stakeholders involved in sustainable mobility planning and management in Slovenia and Croatia, as well as in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia. The aim of the network is to transfer knowledge and good practice and to design joint projects that will finance future activities of sustainable transport and better mobility. The network was established in Ljubljana on April 25, 2013 as the CIVINET Slovenia-Croatia network. By the decision of the Assembly, the network was renamed CIVINET Slovenia-Croatia-Southeast Europe on February 10, 2016.
Networking and all forms of connection are welcome for more efficient solution of transport problems, from the exchange of experiences, knowledge and ideas to the joint participation and synergy of cities, which enables better use of European funds.
CIVINET networks have also been established in other parts of the EU (CIVINET.BE, CIVINET Czech and Slovak Republics, CIVINET Deutscher Sprachraum, CIVINET Greece-Cyprus, CIVINET Iberia, CIVINET Italia, CIVINET Nederland, CIVINET Polska, CIVINET Romania, CIVINET Slovenia-Croatia-SEE and Magyar CIVINET) and are supported by the European Commission.

The CIVINET Slovenia-Croatia-SEE network gathers over 230 members and is the most numerous European CIVINET network. The network is also very active, holding at least two workshops a year, organizing study trips and regularly informing members, other interested stakeholders and the media via e-newsletter.
The Network’s management bodies: General Assembly, Political Committee, Management Committee, Academic Committee, Network Secretariat. The Network is managed by the Management Committee, representatives of the cities form the Political Committee, and important decisions for the operation of the Network are made by the Assembly. The Political Committee adopts annual statements, which announce the direction of the Network. The Academic Committee provides support in considering the course of action and encourages joint applications of scientific and professional projects.
After City of Ljubljana (04/2013 – 08/2016), the role of network coordinator was taken over by the City of Rijeka (09/2016 – 12/2020). From 2021 to 2024, the coordinator of the network is the City of Zagreb. ODRAZ-Sustainable Community Development has the role of Network Secretariat.
Website: https://civinet-slohr.eu/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CIVINET.Slo.Hr.JIE
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/odrziva.mobilnost.u.gradovima
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/civinet-slovenia-croatia-south-east-europe/
Since its establishment in 2013, the work of the network has been financed from various sources:
- from projects supporting the CIVITAS initiative – Elevate, Satellite, CAPITAL, Muse
- support from the coordinating cities – Ljubljana, Rijeka, Zagreb
- projects prepared and implemented by ODRAZ as the Network Secretariat, financed from various funds (Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund of the Republic of Croatia, City of Zagreb, Horizon, EUKI, etc.)
- in-kind contribution of the cities where the network meetings are held, which provide space, refreshments, organise study tours, etc.
#CIVINETSloHrJIE #OdrzivaMobilnost
* See more about network activities at CIVINET Slovenia-Croatia | CIVITAS
CIVINET Network website: civinet-slohr.eu!