Session of Assembly on Local Employment Partnership (LEP) and round table on Zagreb talks on employment

26.03.2014 | ODRAZ news

Within the “Capacity for Development” project, we participated on a session of Assembly of LEP Zagreb held on March 19th 2014 at the Zagreb Hall. On the session, institutionalization of Zagreb LEP was voted at Zagreb Development Agency and LEP communication designed by ODRAZ plan was adopted. The first in a series of round tables “Zagreb talks on employment” was held following the Assembly session.

Suggestions given by the workgroup and management committee of LEP Zagreb on instututionalization of LEP Zagreb at Zagreb Development Agency were adopted unanomusely at the session. Following the same conclusions, based on item 11 of LEP Zagreb Terms of Reference, on a session held March 19th, LEP Zagreb Assembly made a desiccion to accept amendments of LEP Zagreb Terms of Reference.  

Based on this decission, all LEP secretariat affairs will be conducted by Zagreb Development Agency who will be responsible for all staff, material and financial needs.nerstva za zapošljavanje Grada Zagreba.

LEP communication plan was also adopted at the session and the request of Zagreb University for membership in LEP was accepted.

On the same day, following the session, a round table “Zagreb talks on employment” was held, where leading experts on ESF and financing of projects that contribute to development of human resources employment from Austria participated:

  • Dr. Walter Reiter one of the cofounders of L&R Social Research Institute
    ( which designs ESF for Austrian government. The institutes reports are used in Austrias Ministries, National Government, Public Services for employment as well as in international organizations, such as European Commission, as a source of information on which decissions will be made.
  • Mag. Michael Foerschner, an expert with great experience as a Head of Subsidy Policy Department in Burgenland Region and as a Head of ESF Department in Austrian Ministry of Economy and Labor with emphasis on “Territorial Employment Pacts” system establishment (regional partnerships for employment and their operating and financing in ESF system) (
  • Juergen Grandits, Head of international affairs and projects at BFI Burgenland (, leading organisation managing employment in this Austrian region.

Alongside experts from Austria, the round table was attended by: Tatjana Dalić – Assistent to the Minister of Labor and Retirement System, Ankica Paun Jarallah – HZZ director, Miro Laco –  LEP Zagreb Chairman, Krunoslav Knežević – Head of Zagreb HZZ Office, Mirka Jozić – Zagreb Economy, Mirka Jozić – Labor and Entrepenurship Office and Frane Šesnić – Zagreb Development Agency Director.
Best practice examples in implementation and design of ESF from Austria were presented during the discussion.

First steps were made toward cooperation between LEP Zagreb and Austrian experts, who put themselves at the disposal of LEP for all types of cooperation in preparation and implementation of projects which will contribute to human resources development and employment in Zagreb area.

Project “Capacity for Development”
Project duration: September 18th 2013 – September 17th 2014
Financing: IPA IV – Local initiatives for employment promotion (European Social Fund)

Project coordinator: HZZ Zagreb regional office
Partners: ODRAZ, City of Zagreb, Zagreb Development Agency
The total project value is € 32,091.94; EU share in financing the project amounts to € 23,735.06 (73.95%)
Contact person for more information: Dario Vuljanko –

More information on EU funds can be found on the website of the Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds

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