Members of EESC meet in Zagreb

20.03.2014 | ODRAZ news

In association with representatives of the European Commission, the annual meeting of European Economic and Social Committee Communication Group and communication contact points was held in Zagreb on 17-18 March. Some 40 members attended the meeting, led by Jane Morrice, EESC Vice-President.

The meeting held place in European Commissions’ office. On day one, EESC members had the opportunity to talk to Branko Baričević, EC representative in Croatia, and Violeta Simeonova Staničić, Head of European Parliament Office. Topics varied from EU Parliament elections to youth unemployment etc.

In the afternoon, the EESC members were joined by representatives of Council for Civil Society Development, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and Ministry of Labor and Retirement System. 

They discussed informing, inclusion of public in consultation on public policies, but also problems in social dialogue in Croatia. Lidija Pavić-Rogošić welcomed EU colleagues.

On the second day of the meeting, EESC members met with members of Croatian Parliament: President Josip Leko and Presidents of two Parliamentary Committees, Danijel Mondekar and Silvano Hrelja. It was a good opportunity to present best practice examples in EESC members work from their countries, as well as Croatian members. Future cooperation methods were agreed on.

European Economic and Social Committee is an advisory body to the EU Parliament, European Council and European Commission on various themes in an effort to bring together European Policies and Legislations with economic and social reality. EESC was established by the Treaty of Rome in 1957 and represents an institutionalized form of dialogue between organised civil society (employers’ associations, unions and various interest organisations) and EU bodies. In 4 out of 5 cases (81%), European Commission takes action based on EESC opinions.

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