Find out what the EESC can do for you
The EESC is not like other EU bodies. It is a unique forum for consultation, dialogue and consensus between representatives from all the different sectors of “organised civil society”, including employers, trade unions and groups such as professional and community associations, youth organisations, women’s groups, consumers, environmental campaigners and many more.
The EESC’s aim is to help ensure EU policymaking and legislation is more democratic, more effective and genuinely reflects the needs of EU citizens.
It has three key tasks:
• to advise the European Parliament, the Council and the European Commission;
• to make sure the views of civil society organisations are heard in Brussels and to increase their awareness of the impact of EU legislation on the lives of EU citizens;
• to support and strengthen organised civil society both inside and outside the EU.

Based in Brussels, the EESC is made up of 350 members from 28 EU Member States.
The members come from all social and professional backgrounds and have a vast range of knowledge and experience. They are appointed by the Council for a term of five years on a proposal by Member States but they work independently for the EESC in the interests of all EU citizens. Members are not based full-time in Brussels: most continue to do their own jobs in their home countries, meaning that they can stay in touch with people “back home”.
Web page: www.eesc.europa.eu
Facebook: www.eesc.europa.eu/facebook
Twitter: www.eesc.europa.eu/twitter
YouTube: www.eesc.europa.eu/youtube
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/european-economic-and-social-committee