Guide on public participation in the process of obtaining Environmental permits (IPPC)
The Guide sheds light on a new interpretation of public participation in the decision making process, gives an overview of the actual process of obtaining Environmental permits (IPPC) and public participation within the process. It also provides relevant comments and recommendations for improvement of the process.
Issuing Environmental permits (IPPC) is a new complicated procedure within the scope of environmental protection legislation. One the one hand, public participation demands a familiarity with the process, the rights and obligations of all participants, and on the other hand a complete comprehension of all aspects of environmental impact considering technical possibilities for minimizing unwanted consequences of the impact in concrete cases.
Public participation in decision making processes regarding environmental protection issues in general is indeed a part of Croatian regulation, but the actual practice is quite unsatisfactory. There is no visible improvement of the process. Purposeful and efficient public participation is a long term endeavor, that needs a methodical approach and gradual implementation.
This short Guide is our contribution to the improvement of the process. We want to encourage the interested public to participate in the process of issuing Environmental permits and to demonstrate to relevant stakeholders the measures that can be implemented in order to maximize the effects of public participation.
Guide Annexes: Overview of relevant regulation; Examples of informing the public; Invitation to a public hearing, public insight; Glossary.
Target groups:
• Representatives of public authorities
• Representatives of applicants
• Operators
• Expert organizations
• Environmental protection CSOs (and others)
• Public (interested individuals)