Better public policies? Civil society organizations contribution

ODRAZ prepared a handbook “How to improve public policies?” within the project “Together for Sustainable Development in Croatia”, that describes first steps of analysing public policies, as well as guidelines on how to compile a shadow report. The handbook is meant for anyone who wants to be involved in the policy making process.

We hope that the handbook will also serve as a toolkit to CSOs in order to be able to make a responsible impact on monitoring of public policies in their own respective field of interest.


  1. Public policies and public policy analysis (what is a public policy and what does it mean to analyse one?)
  2. The shadow report (what is a shadow report; who prepares a shadow report and why; how to prepare a shadow report)
  3. A path to a better public policy (lobbying; communication and dialogue after report preparation; communication within the team – social network Yammer example).

Editor: ODRAZ, 2013

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