Sustainable truth

[ONGOING] The main goal of the project is to strengthen society’s resistance to misinformation by reducing the amount of misinformation and fake news in the public space, strengthening information reliability and safety when consuming media content and using social networks, strengthening the quality of journalism and credible reporting, and strengthening media literacy.


Project manager: University of Applied Sciences with public rights Baltazar Zaprešić 

Partners: ODRAZ-Sustainable community development, Polytechnic in Virovitica, TV Zapad

Time of project implementation: January 15, 2024 – January 14, 2026.

Total amount of project financing: EUR 193,040.61

Funding: Agency for Electronic Media

ODRAZ’s role in the project:

1. Implementation of the Academy of Sustainable Development for teaching/non-teaching staff and project partners with the aim of activating teachers and partners in the development of competences, active participation and exposing misinformation in the field of sustainable development

2. Interactive training for young people/students on sustainable development and the goals of sustainable development and the occurrence of misinformation in that area

Contact person
Elizabet Gašparov,





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