Digital literacy in the Age of AI
The project aims to explore the actual implementation of ICT in interdisciplinary learning, addressing the Information and Data Literacy competence as outlined in the Digital Competence Framework for Citizens (DigComp). The partners will also examine the integration of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education, particularly secondary schools.
This project is a result and continuation of the partners’ collaboration within the Croatian Digital Literacy Network. The network was formed with the general goal of strengthening intersectoral cooperation and building the capacity of stakeholders from the civil, public and private sectors for research and development of the digital society in Croatia. The network conducts scientific research and develops research based policy guidelines in the fields of digital inclusion, digital education and digital transformation, and is organising thematic conferences in order to present the trends and best practices.
Project objectives:
- Investigate to which extend is the interdisciplinary topic ‘Use of ICT’ utilised in fostering information and data literacy – This inquiry aims to understand the role of ICT in enhancing students’ abilities to effectively manage and critically interpret data.
- Understand students’, teachers’ and school leaders perceptions of generative AI in learning environments – Gather insights on attitudes toward employing Generative AI tools in educational settings, and explore issues related to ethics, biases, misinformation, and privacy concerns.
- Increase awareness among educators and policymakers of AI technologies and their potential impact on teaching and learning – This goal seeks to equip educators and policymakers with the knowledge needed to integrate AI tools effectively into teaching and learning environments.
Project coordinator: ODRAZ-Sustainable Community Development
Partner: Telecentar
Time of implementation: 6 May 2024 – 5 November 2024
Total amount of financing: EUR 14,934.53
Contact person for more information: Elizabet Gašparov,
#digitalliteracy #ageofAI
This project receives funding by European Citizen Action Service (ECAS) in the framework of the EURECA 2024 project, which is co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or ECAS. Neither the European Union nor ECAS can be held responsible for them.