Join the Webinar on Transport Poverty with a Focus on Rural Mobility!

20.12.2024 | Featured, Featured, ODRAZ news, ODRAZ news

ODRAZ, the Secretariat of the CIVINET Slo-Cro-SEE, is organizing a webinar on transport poverty with a focus on rural mobility. The webinar will take place on January 16, 2025, from 12:00 to 14:00 (CET).  The working language of the webinar wil be English. Registration deadline: January 14, 2025.

The goal of the webinar is to enhance understanding and awareness on transport poverty, particularly in rural areas, by presenting relevant researches conducted in the region and discussing policy recommendations and measures that can ensure a just transition toward climate neutrality, as well as an better quality of life in the communities affected with transport poverty.

Prometno siromaštvo s fokusom na ruralnu mobilnost

The 2023 European regulation defines transport poverty as individuals’ and households’ inability or difficulty to meet the costs of private or public transport, or their lack of or limited access to transport needed for their access to essential socioeconomic services and activities, taking into account the national and spatial context. Transport poverty should therefore be examined through the lenses of affordabilityavailability, and accessibility.

Transport poverty is a challenge for many communities. Rural areas face additional mobility constraints, which can significantly impact the quality of life and access to essential services such as education, healthcare, or employment. Moreover, transport poverty is recognized as a key barrier to ensuring a just transition toward climate neutrality. Despite its importance, this concept remains relatively underexplored in transport-spatial planning and transport management.

The webinar will host several presentations to showcase recent researches conducted in Croatia, Hungary, and Romania, as well as a proposed methodology for identifying vulnerable groups and areas affected by transport poverty. We will explore the key factors driving transport poverty, identify the areas and socio-economic groups most affected, examine its implications for the transition toward climate neutrality, and discuss recommendations for future policies and measures to address transport poverty.

In the panel discussion, experts will deepen the understanding of transport poverty and explore the next steps for addressing this challenge.

Who should attend?

The webinar is intended for decision-makers at national, regional, and local levels, representatives and employees of other public authorities, mobility experts, members of the CIVINET Slovenia-Croatia-SEE network and other European CIVINET networks, students, young professionals, and others interested in this topic.


Participation is free. Register by January 14, 2025, via

Detailed programme

We look forward to your participation and contribution to the discussion on this important topic!

The webinar is organized as part of the CLIMove project financed by the European Climate Initiative (EUKI) of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK).

ODRAZ- Sustainable Community Development is a member of the Rural Pact, and with this event we contribute to the implementation of Long-term vision of rural areas.



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