Training on policy analysis and shadow report
Dutch expert Suzanne Bakker held in Zagreb from 4 to 6 May 2016 training on policy analysis and drafting of the shadow report, in the framework of ODRAZ’s project “Education, support and promotion of good governance at the local level”.Al together, 26 representatives from four counties: Sisak-Moslavina, Sibenik-Knin, Zagreb and City of Zagreb attended the training.
Before the training, the participants joined Yammer social network, through which they received training materials and instructions related to the upcoming training.
The trainees acquire the knowledge of policy analysis and shadow reporting, on implementation of the process of policy analysis and on who, how, when and for what to include.

They also learned about the possibilities of using various social media for inclusion of different target groups. Projects from the European Social Fund Used were used as examples, in accordance with the Croatian Operational Programme for Effective human resources, which have enabled participants to better understand the development of public policies and projects aimed at achieving the set of objectives, but also how to monitor the effectiveness of policies.