Study visit to Graz of the network CIVINET Slovenia-Croatia-SEE and CIVINET Hungary

07.03.2016 | ODRAZ news

Because of its many achievements, as well as recently implemented large-scale projects in the field of sustainable mobility, the city of Graz was chosen for visit of 20 members of the network CIVINET Slovenia-Croatia-SEE and 20 members of the network CIVINET Hungary. This interesting study trip, held on 29 February and 1 March 2016, was organized by the non-profit organization for mobility research FMG Amor from Graz, which also acts as the technical secretariat of CIVINET German-speaking network.

Graz is the capital and the political, administrative, economic and cultural centre of the Austrian federal state of Styria.Study visit began by gathering the participants in FMG Amor, where they presented the activities that City of Graz carried out in the area of sustainable mobility and cycling policy and infrastructure.

Participants heard presentations on the following topics: The title of the European Capital of Culture as an opportunity to change the culture of mobility, Transport planning – space for people, Integral cycling policy carried out in the city.

After the presentations, participants had the opportunity to learn about the specific measures taken to improve the mobility and quality of life in the city, by walking on the streets and squares in the city centre, which are from busy streets and parking lots converted into a pedestrian zone.

They also visited the first Austrian Mobility Centre Mobil Zentral Graz and shopping mall Murpark, as an example of measures implemented  in order to increase the use of public transport and to achieve the attractiveness of visiting the shopping centre by public transport (tram, suburban train) and by bicycle.The tour continued by visiting the new railway station Don Bosco and modernized main railway station, which combines the functions of intermodal hub and commercial and hospitality centre.

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