Round table “Pedestrians and cyclists – how to co-exist and share space?

29.03.2016 | ODRAZ news

Pedestrians and cyclists would not be in conflict if they are not pushed out by cars, is one of the messages of the round table “Pedestrians and cyclists – how to co-exist and share space?”, held in Zagreb on 23 March 2016. The event was organized by CIVINET Slovenia-Croatia- SEE network, ODRAZ and the association Cyclists’ Union.

Some 40 participants were present- representatives of the cycling associations, City of Zagreb, City districts, media and interested citizens.Engaging presentations were held by Aljaz Plevnik from the Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, Mario Cosic from the Faculty of Traffic Sciences in Zagreb and Vladimir Halgota from association Cyclists’ Union.

Lidija Pavic-Rogosic from ODRAZ presented CIVINET Slovenia-Croatia-SEE network for sustainable mobility and project “Dialogue on mobility in Zagreb”, which ODRAZ implements in partnership with the Cyclists’ Union and the City of Zagreb, and within which this round table was organized. After each presentation, lively debate was developed.

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