Preparation for EESC`s “YEYS 2016” event in Croatia

07.03.2016 | ODRAZ news

Croatian students will join the “Your Europe, Your say” event 2016 in Brussels and express their opinion on the issue of migration in Europe. As a part of preparations for their participation, where they will interact with other European students, the director of ODRAZ and member of EESC, Lidija Pavic-Rogosic visited on March 4, 2016 the selected school in the town of Krk.

In the application, the High School Croatian King Zvonimir explained why they wanted to participate: “More than half a million refugees have passed through our country on the road to Germany.

These people in different countries were treated in a different way. A group of highly motivated students from our school would certainly have something to say on this issue.”

The purpose of the visit to High School Croatian King Zvonimir was to meet the chosen students Niko, Melanie, Eleonora and their teacher Carol Markovic, and to prepare them to participate in the discussion in Brussels on March 17 to 19, 2016.

Additional task was to inform them and their colleagues on EU, its institutions, EESC and EESC stand on migrants. Therefore, the activities and role of the EESC as the voice of civil society in Europe were presented to larger circle of students.

As the task of students from all over Europe will be to propose concrete measures that could be implemented in schools, associations and local community, in order to help young migrants to effectively integrate into European society, the short film of situation in Homs was shown, for them to better understand why people have to leave their towns and countries.

The interactive lecture turned into a lively conversation with questions and answers and critical viewpoints. Students demonstrated knowledge and political awareness of the current migration crisis.

Wishing students from the island of Krk good and productive time in Brussels.

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