ODRAZ became a full member of CROSOL

10.06.2015 | ODRAZ news

ODRAZ became a full member of CROSOL – Croatian platform for international citizen solidarity on the CROSOL Assembly held on May 22 2015. Marina Dimić Vugec presented ODRAZ work and projects emphasising current projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

ODRAZ recognized it’s contribution to the work of CROSOL Platform through exchange of experience in activities of organizing non-formal education for sustainable development; cooperation with relevant stakeholders in creating the strategic orientation, implementation and monitoring of sustainable local and rural development; strengthening the capacity of civil, social and economic sectors for sectorial platforms for partnership and participation in the dialogue with European institutions on development issues.

Also ODRAZ works and collaborates with organizations and agencies in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo, Slovenia, and has good contacts in Central Asia and Turkey.

With ODRAZ, on the same date, Platform joined the Association Center M. A. R. E. Model for Active Rehabilitation and Education, ADRA Croatia, Institute for development of education – IRO, Miramida Center and Live Studio.

CROSOL – Croatian Platform for International Citizen Solidarity (www.crosol.hr/eng) is nonpartisan and nonprofit civil society organization, which is active in the field of development of international cooperation and humanitarian aid. Members of the Platform, aware of the common needs for cooperation and improvement of interpersonal communication, as well as improving their own capacity join in order to achieve an impact on the shaping and implementing of the public policy of international development cooperation and humanitarian aid of the Republic of Croatia.

Goals of the Platform are: building and strengthening the capacities of civil society organizations (hereinafter: OCD) for providing international development cooperation and humanitarian aid; if necessary, to be the link between the ministry that is responsible for international development cooperation and humanitarian aid, and the projects of international development cooperation and humanitarian aid of the OCD; to participate and influence on the improvement, shaping, implementation and evaluation policies of the Republic of Croatia, the European Union and other international bodies like the United Nations and others, from the area of international development cooperation and humanitarian aid; to deliberate and improve international development cooperation of the OCD inside and outside of Croatia about values, principles, methods and standards of actions;  to articulate and affirm activist initiatives and organizations of civil society from southeast Europe toward the EU in the area of development cooperation and humanitarian aid; to promote education for development and international solidarity; to promote international development cooperation and solidarity.

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