Most important decision of the Third CIVINET Slovenia-Croatia Network’s annual Assembly is the New name of the Network!

17.02.2016 | ODRAZ news

Assembly organized on 10th of February 2016 in the Slovenian Nova Gorica was an opportunity for members to meet and recall of Networks’ activities done in 2015 and to announce activities in 2016. City of Nova Gorica presented projects and achievements in sustainable mobility, and examples of joint projects with neighbouring Italian municipalities. Before Assembly, the Management and Political Committees met and discussed renaming of the Network, and Political Committee issued this year’s Political statement.

Matej Arčon, mayor of the City of Nova Gorica, welcomed about 40 participants and pointed out that because of the position of Nova Gorica in the time of Yugoslavia, the city began to develop cross-border cooperation with Italian city Gorizia. This cooperation is expanding to the areas of transport and mobility.  Nova Gorica has recognized the importance of transferring knowledge and experience in the field of transport and mobility between cities. The City of Nova Gorica was one of the first cities that joined the Network CIVINET Slovenia-Croatia.

Network coordinator Vlado Babić from the City of Ljubljana, presented a report on Networks’ activities in 2015 and activity plan for 2016. Assembly approved report and activity plan unanimously.

Management and the Political Committee’s proposal for the new network name was presented to the Assembly in order to present geographical area of Network’s members.

Assembly accepted this proposal unanimously and the new name of the Network is:

  • CIVINET Slovenija-Hrvaška-Jugovzhodna Europa
  • CIVINET Slovenija-Hrvatska-Jugoistočna Europa
  • CIVINET Slovenia-Croatia-South East Europe

A shorter name is: CIVINET Slovenija – Hrvaška – JVE /CIVINET Slovenija – Hrvatska – JIE / CIVINET Slovenia – Croatia – SEE.

Assembly was informed about the Political statement for 2016 adopted by the Political Committee.

A number of interesting presentations were held on examples and achievements of the City of Nova Gorica in the field of sustainable mobility:

  • history of relations and cooperation in Gorizia area after the Second World War- planning of sustainable urban development and the project Cross-border nature park Isonzo / Soča
  • project of  cycling  paths Predil-Miren along the river Soča and construction of cycling path Solkan-Piave
  • planning of traffic solutions taking into account vulnerable groups
  • promotion of mobility from the perspective of public health
  • the example of the road construction (Sabotinska cesta) in the intergovernmental agreement between Slovenia and Italy.

After presentations there was a short discussion. City of Rijeka, which will take the role of Network’s Coordinator in September, will continue the path and do their best to maintain the high standard set by Ljubljana, said the deputy mayor Miroslav Matešić.

Lidija Pavić-Rogošić from ODRAZ, pointed out that the Network started modestly, with several members from Slovenia and Croatia, and today we can honestly say that it has the largest membership and is the most successful of all European CIVINET networks. The Assembly ended with a positive message from Helena Hećimović from the City of Koprivnica: We are stronger together – therefore we must continue to work together!

After the official part of the program the participants had the opportunity to visit the Italian Gorizia by the regular international public bus transportation. It is an example of cross-border cooperation in the field of sustainable mobility between Slovenian Nova Gorica and Italian Gorizia. More courageous participants, despite the cold weather, went for cycling on the cycling path Solkan-Plave along the river Soča.

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