`Capacity for Development` – The Final Conference
The final conference within the project Capacity for Development was held on 15 September 2014 (Tribine Grada Zagreba). The aim of the project was to strengthen the Local Partnership for Employment in the City of Zagreb (LPE Zagreb). Being one of the LPE Zagreb partners ODRAZ – Sustainable Community Development was also one of the project partners. We designed LPE logo, prepared the Communication strategy, held several workshops and conducted a research on Strategy of Human Resources Development among the members.
Lidija Pavić-Rogošić from ODRAZ presented findings and recommendations of LPE members for betterment of the working process within LPE and for more efficient implementation of the Strategy and Antonio Matković from the Institute for Labour Market Development presented the model for further LPE work through the project “Project Intervention and Implementation Partnership (PIIP) Forum of the Local Partnership for Employment of City of zagreb – PIIP Forum”.
PIIP project will make it possible for LPE members and other interested stakeholders to develop their project ideas, as well as to form partnerships in order to contribute to the fulfillment of goals set by the LPE HRD Strategy.
The meeting of the LPE Zagreb Steering Committee, as well as the meeting of the Assembly were held before the conference.
*The project Capacity for Development was implemented by the Croatian Employment Service (Zagreb office) in partnership with the City of Zagreb, Zagreb Development Agency (RAZA) and ODRAZ within the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA), component IV (Human Resources Development).
For more information, contact odraz@odraz.hr.