Animated film about sustainable development

08.01.2013 | ODRAZ news

Sustainable development – what´s that? Imagine the earth as an enormous spaceship. If we want its engine to continue working, and its crew to have a good life, it is necessary to use up resources. However, what happens when these resources run out? Look for the answer in 3 minute animated film.

Look at the film on ODRAZ You Tube Channel.

Screenwriter: Lidija Pavić-Rogošić, ODRAZ
Director, animation, sound design: Natko Stipaničev
Voice: Sara Stanić
Translation: Slađana Novota
Production: ODRAZ, Kinoklub Zagreb, Studio Mitoman, 2012.

The film was financed by the City of Zagreb in the framework of the project “Zagreb Citizens for Sustainable Development.”

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