A series of meetings with citizens as part of the project “Dialogue on mobility in Zagreb” have began
Meeting with citizens of City district Črnomerec held on 26 April 2016, was the first in a series of meetings under title “Mobility in my Neighbourhood”, organised within the ODRAZ’s project “Dialogue on mobility in Zagreb”.
Some 50 participants were gathered – councillors of Črnomerec district and local committees, representatives of hospitals, schools, sports and recreational and other organizations from Črnomerec, citizens who want to contribute to the improvement of conditions of mobility in their part of town.

After a short introductory by president of ODRAZ, Visnja Jelic Mück, president of Črnomerec district Josip Jelic and a city councillor Alen Ostojic, the possibility was given to citizens who presented traffic problems and obstacles for better mobility in their communities.
Citizens are particularly affected by indifference and neglecting by relevant city offices and departments. In fact, not only citizens, but also their representatives in local government presented the examples of repeated requests, warnings and calls to solve certain problems. It seems, unfortunately, that the voice of citizens still does not reach the ears of the City. This confirms the need for such meetings.