STEM for a sustainable future
STEM for a sustainable future is a joint project of ODRAZ, the Association for the Development of ‘do-it-yourself’ Culture – Radiona, the Zagreb university of applied sciences and the Polytechnic of Šibenik. The purpose of the project is to build the capacity of civil society organizations, students and other interested young people by using modern educational methods in the fields of STEM, STEAM, sustainable development, critical and creative thinking, etc.

Implementation period: May 12, 2021 – May 11, 2023
Funding: European Social Fund – Strengthening the capacity of civil society organizations for popularizing STEM
Project value: 1.587.320,19 HRK
EU support value: 1.349,222,00 HRK
For more information on EU funds: www.esf.hr ; www.strukturnifondovi.hr
The project will strengthen the capacities of civil society organizations, students and other young people, teaching and non-teaching staff of partner educational institutions and thus gain a new circle of trained stakeholders to promote STEM and strengthen cooperation between academia and civil society.
The project deals with the transformation of knowledge and gaining competencies according to the real time needs, and promotion of science to young people, but also to the general population. CSO representatives will be taught how to combine creativity with knowledge and skills in technology, innovation and science. The project will also strengthen the representatives to improve capacity to create, to implement new teaching methods and to work more creatively in the community through STEM.
Target groups
General population with emphasis on children and youth, students; civil society organizations and educational institutions
Main activities
- Organization and implementation of activities to strengthen the capacity of civil society organizations to promote STEM
- STEM Academy – strengthening the capacity of partners
- Learning from example of a good practice – a study trip to Dublin
- Strengthening the “soft” skills of partners- seminar / conference on smart cities in Brussels
- Activities of organization of permanent exhibitions of innovative, interactive content due to popularizing STEM and of implementing pilot groups for end users: children, youth and the general population
- STEM Radiona – workshops for students and other interested young people
- Workshops on climate change and the post-pandemic world
- Construction of Tesla’s transformer
- Organizing local workshops to popularize STEM
- Implementation of scientific STEM workshops with practical exercises for students and interested young people
- Scientific workshops with practical exercises of drone application
- Professional workshops with practical exercises of robotics application
- Workshops on making Tesla’s transformer
- STEM Summer School for students and young representatives of CSOs from all over Croatia in Šibenik
- Implementation of scientific STEM workshops with practical exercises for students and interested young people
- Development and implementation of daily events at the local level with the purpose of raising awareness of the importance of STEM and scientific STEM achievements
- One-day workshops with practical exercises for high school graduates, high school students and students
- Guest lectures with the aim of promoting STEM for students and graduates of interested faculties and high schools
- Open days
Promotion and visibility of the project:
- Panel discussions for the general public with the aim of popularizing STEM
- Short promo videos
- Continuous cooperation with the media
Expected results
- 15 partners through five modular trainings (STEM academies) in two days duration trained for the development and implementation of STEM and other relevant topics
- 15 partners were introduced to examples of good practice in Dublin
- Eight representatives of CSO partners participated in the conference on smart cities in Brussels
- Four workshops for pilot groups and eight workshops for 120 students and other interested young people (40 + 80)
- Four workshops on climate change and the world after the pandemic for 40 young people
- Tesla transformer installed at the Technical Polytechnic in Zagreb
- Eight specialist-scientific workshops with practical exercises on drone application for 96 young people
- Four specialist-scientific workshops in two days duration (eight days) with practical exercises in robotics for 48 young people
- Two specialist-scientific workshops for the production of Tesla’s transformer for 10 young people
- A four-day STEM Summer School for 26 young people and the general population
- Six single day workshops with practical programming exercises for 210 high school graduates, high school students and students
- Eight guest lectures on STEM approximation for 240 end users at colleges and high school graduates
- Three STEM Open Days for 120 participants
- Two panel discussions in Zagreb with the aim of popularizing STEM for 100 participants
- Four promol videos for greater visibility of the project
Contact person
Elizabet Gašparov, elizabet@odraz.hr