[ONGOING] The project “CLIMove – Co-creating climate and mobility sustainability” aims to create sustainable solutions that connect climate goals and urban mobility. Through the collaboration of different stakeholders, the project aims to accelerate the transition towards climate-neutral cities and sustainable mobility, with a special focus on Central and Eastern Europe. The focus is on an interdisciplinary approach, capacity building and practical solutions that enable cities to actively participate in achieving the EU’s climate goals.
The general goal of the project is to improve the capacity for the development and implementation of sustainable mobility strategies of cities and municipalities in Croatia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the commitment to encourage the green transition towards climate-neutral mobility.
The project aims to speed up the transition towards sustainable mobility in Central and Eastern Europe by strengthening the capacity of public authority representatives and young experts, encouraging multi-level dialogue and raising the awareness, level of knowledge and action of relevant stakeholders.

The project’s main elements are:
- Encouraging multi-level dialogue: connecting national/regional/local authorities, experts and other relevant stakeholders to work together on sustainable solutions.
- Education for public authorities: workshops to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to plan climate-neutral mobility in line with EU objectives.
- Summer schools for young professionals: training future experts to develop applicable solutions that integrate climate objectives.
- Study visits and conferences: sharing good practices and creating opportunities to use solutions in line with local circumstances.
- Capacity building and awareness raising: empowering cities and municipalities to plan and implement sustainable mobility policies and plans.
The target groups
- Local authorities: decision-makers and planners in target cities.
- Academic community: university professors who will mentor students and young professionals.
- Young professionals: participants of summer schools and webinars.
- Civil society organizations: support for awareness campaigns and public engagement.
- Citizens: involved in the European Mobility Week and other activities.
The project will provide public authorities, decision-makers and young professionals with knowledge and tools to implement sustainable solutions, including:
- Capacity building for multi-level cooperation and planning of sustainable mobility.
- Raising awareness of climate-neutral urban planning.
- Encouraging an interdisciplinary approach in the education of future transport and spatial planners and decision-makers.
- Support in replicating and scaling solutions for sustainable mobility in other regions and cities.
- Improving air quality and public health by accelerating the transition towards climate neutrality.
- Strengthening cooperation and dialogue between the countries of Central and Southeastern Europe.
- Enhancing community engagement to shift the paradigm of mobility planning and empowering students and other stakeholders.
Cities and other representatives of public self-government in Croatia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Bosnia and Herzegovina will improve their capacities for the development and implementation of climate-neutral mobility strategies and will strengthen their commitment to promoting the green transition towards climate-neutral mobility.
(1) Development of methods and guidelines for education on climate sustainability and mobility
- Analysis and collection of data on the current state and needs to achieve climate neutrality at the national, regional and local level.
- Joint creation of the “Climate and mobility of a sustainable city” program.
- Joint creation of the summer school program “Planning cities of the future” for young professionals and students.
- Continuous evaluation of the program.
- Creation of guidelines and recommendations for cities based on program implementation.
- Development of guidelines for the implementation of the summer school.
(2) Education and training
- Workshops and seminars.
- Organizing a summer school “Planning cities of the future” for young professionals and students.
(3) Encouraging climate and mobility sustainability
- Organizing a study visit for partners and relevant project stakeholders in Leuven and Brussels.
- Participation of project partners in international conferences and courses
- Implementation of five webinars
- Holding guest lectures at faculties on the topic of climate resistance and sustainable mobility.
- Publishing articles on climate and sustainable mobility, project activities and examples of good practice.
- Organizing public awareness events during the European Mobility Week.
- Informing about good practices of sustainable mobility through the CIVINET network websites and social media.
(4) Involvement of other stakeholders and information dissemination
- Organization of conferences.
- Dissemination of project activities on partners’ websites and social networks, websites of CIVINET and EUKI networks.
#CLIMove #ClimeteAndMoblility #CoCreation #SustainableMobility #EUKI
Contact person: Magdalena Makar, magdalena@odraz.hr
Project leader: ODRAZ – Sustainable Community Development
Partners: Center for Environment, Banja Luka i Transport Research Centre, Brno
The period of implementation: 1 December 2024 – 30 November 2026
Total value of the project: 466.809,00 EUR
Finanancing: European Climate Initiative (EUKI), njemačko Ministarstvo gospodarstva i klimatskih promjena (BMWK)
Learn more about the European Climate Initiative (EUKI): www.euki.de/en