Paulo Freire “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”

Paulo Freire “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”

Obligatory for all who connect education to social changes, "classic" in the field of education. Paulo Freire is one of the leading world educators who encouraged the development of social and political consciousness of the poor in the Third World...

Sustainable Tourism in ten steps

Sustainable Tourism in ten steps

Sustainable tourism planning based on heritage and natural properties. The manual was made in Australia, drawing upon diverse experience, following a project logic, and taking feasibility in realistic environments into account. Hence, no major...

Toolkit: How to organize public dialogue on mobility issues

Toolkit: How to organize public dialogue on mobility issues

This toolkit was prepared by ODRAZ within the project CIVITAS ELAN. One of the main goals of the project was to include citizens in sustainable mobility issues in Zagreb. Beside carefully chosen EU examples of urban mobility, there are also examples...

Guidelines for the efficient local community work

Guidelines for the efficient local community work

Development depends on you!   The Manual was prepared in order to share our own experience and knowledge with those educating citizens on their rights and duties, opportunities and ways of preforming activities in their community. The Manual is...

Mediterranean Stone House

Mediterranean Stone House

Techniques for the restoration and construction of stone houses / Restoration and construction techniques  Restoration and construction techniques The manual may be used as the basic guide for those wishing to restore an old rural stone house or...

Do citizens have anything to say?

Do citizens have anything to say?

CSO participation in decision making processes on local level – research results This publication contains research results on the implementation of The Code of Practice On Consultation with the Interested Public in Procedures of Adopting Laws, Other...

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