GREENCO – Education for GREEN transformation of COnstruction sector
[ONGOING] The main goal of the project is to implement a comprehensive set of cross-sectoral activities and tackle the mismatch between the current education curricula and market demand regarding digital and green skills in the construction sector in order to speed up its green transformation.

Project is based on the following activities:
1) for the sensibilization of vocational level students about the importance of green building and sustainable development of construction sector, handbooks will be made as well as workshops on environmental reporting, training critical number of teaching professionals in vocational schools;
2) for the in-depth education of master level students a new curricula “Green building” will be implemented, in addition to dedicated workshops and training in software use to perform quantitative environmental calculation;
3) to enhance the innovation management skills and to increase the possibility for future green business creation in the sector for the PhD level students will be organized workshops, bootcamps and summer schools;
4) to simulate the decision making within a company, a learning construction ecosystem will be created, with short-term industrial missions of students to hosting industrial partners and with two major service-learning event will be held with all three educational levels participating and jointly working under industrial mentoring on a sustainable solution for a local challenge present in their immediate environment.
GREENCO will mobilise education and training in green and digital skills of all participants within the construction ecosystem:
1) across educational levels – vocational – technicians, masters – engineers, PhD – managers,
2) across sectors – education, industry, public, and
3) across EU development levels – Denmark, France, UK, Croatia, Serbia.
Through tailor-made activities, each targeted occupational/education level group will be trained for their active role as co-creators in green transformation of the construction sector, securely paving the way
towards industrial climate neutrality by 2050, but also serving as a blueprint for possible future educational – entrepreneurial partnership, designed for answering societal and environmental challenges.
Project manager: Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb
Partners: ODRAZ-Sustainable Community Development, CELF – Center for Erhvervsrettet utädninger Lolland-Falster, Construction Technical School Zagreb, HOLCIM INNOVATION CENTER SAS, DANMARKS TEKNISKE UNIVERSITET, OVE ARUP & PARTNERS INTERNATIONAL LIMITED, SPEGRA d.o.o., Material Testing Institute IMS, Urbanex d.o.o.
Time of project implementation: September 1, 2023 – August 31, 2026.
Funding: Erasmus+ Key activity 2: Strategic partnerships for the field of higher education
Total amount of project financing: EUR 1,040,020.00
ODRAZ is the leader of Work package no. 6: Dissemination, communication and sustainability whose goals are to increase the visibility of the project at the national and international level, to facilitate the exploitation of the generated results and the creation of synergies with national and international partners for the integration of sustainability and green building topics into education and everyday life.
Contact person
Elizabet Gašparov, elizabet@odraz.hr
#projectGreenCo #GreenCo #GreenCoCroatia #GreenCoGrad
Keywords: education, graduates, doctoral students, construction sector, emissions, green construction, digitization
Funded by the European Union. The content, views and opinions are the sole responsibility of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.