SUSTINEO – Through collaboration, participation, research and education to sustainability
The goal of the SUSTINEO project was to contribute to sustainable development at the local level by strengthening the capacity of civil society organizations and higher education institutions for joint action in the implementation of sustainable development, by creating an advocacy network that works systematically in the advocacy and implementation of sustainable development, by researching areas essential for the systematic implementation of sustainable development in Croatia and providing guidelines for better shaping of public policies related to sustainable development.
Project coordinator: ODRAZ-Sustainable Community Development
- Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb
- Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb
- Center for Development of Non-Profit Organizations CERANEO
- Association SMART
- Association “Green Istria”
- DEŠA Dubrovnik
- Foundation for the development of the local community Slagalica
- Association of Cities in the Republic of Croatia
- Association “ZvoniMir” Knin
- Croatian Rural Development Network – HMRR

Implementation period: October 28, 2020 – October 27, 2023
Funding: European Social Fund – Thematic networks for socio-economic development and the promotion of social dialogue in the context of improving working conditions
Project value: 3,473,996.69 HRK
For more information on EU funds: www.esf.hr; www.strukturnifondovi.hr
Target groups
Civil society organizations, local governments and public scientific institutions.
(1) Strengthening the partnership of civil society organizations and the inclusion of new members and members of the thematic network
- The School for Local Sustainable Development was held
- Established Network for sustainable local development
(2) Implementation of public opinion polls and society’s needs
- A survey survey of the attitudes, perceptions, priorities and experiences of citizens in Croatia on the practices of sustainable development management
- Six focus groups with main stakeholders from five regions of Croatia to examine the needs and involvement of local stakeholders in designing, deciding and implementing sustainable development policies
- Six in-depth semi-structured interviews with political and technical level decision makers
(3) Implementation of scientific research in the area of determined necessary social change
Three scientific studies:
1. Management of sustainable development in the Republic of Croatia
2. Experience of community-led local development on the example of LAGs
3. The potential of social innovations for sustainable development in the Croatian context
Scientific and professional articles were written on the basis of the conducted research
- Gojko Bežovan – What does the term governance mean and how should it be translated?
- Gojko Bežovan, Danijel Baturina, Lidija Pavić-Rogošić – Analysis of possibilities and limitations of LAG activities in Croatia
- Mario Munta – Lost in transition? Social justice and the politics of the EU green transition
- Mario Munta – Europe’s just transition—still out of reach
- Danijel Baturina, Jelena Matancevic – Social innovations in the field of sustainable development in Croatia
- Goran Lampelj, Lidija Pavić-Rogošić – Sustainable mobility policies: overview of global and European initiatives for greater sustainability
- Mario Munta – Over the thorns to the stars: management capacities of Croatian cities for the transition towards sustainable mobility
(4) Creation of guidelines for the development of public policies based on evidence
Guidelines for the development of public policies for:
1. better management of sustainable development
2. involving citizens in the creation and implementation of sustainable development policies
3. sustainable and participatory spatial planning
4. strengthening community-led local development
5. development of the social innovation ecosystem
6. development of social entrepreneurship
(5) Conducting analyzes of the social impact of the proposed interventions
- Six analyzes of the social impact of the proposed interventions based on the guidelines
(6) Implementation of structured dialogue and advocacy activities with decision-makers for the adoption of quality public policies and the implementation of sustainable development in the Republic of Croatia at all levels
- Round table and panel discussion “Promotion of sustainable local development and citizen participation in the revitalization of public spaces”
- Panel discussion “Energy transition – city, citizens and local communities”
- Panel discussion “Entrepreneurship according to sustainable development”
- “Long-term vision for rural areas of the EU” group
- “Social innovations for local sustainable development” groDialogue on sustainable mobility and participatory spatial planning
- Cooperation between the academic community and civil society for sustainable development
Contact person for more information: Elizabet Gašparov, elizabet@odraz.hr
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