Dialogue on mobility in Zagreb

The goal of the project was to establish a transparent and effective framework and practice of continuous dialogue between citizens, NGOs and the City of Zagreb to manage traffic and other solutions in mobility as a local  public good.

The project was aimed at discussions on mobility and the necessary improvements in traffic in which citizens will be involved at an early stage of planning and decision-making.

Through a participatory approach, the citizens together with the Department of Planning, Town Building, Construction, Utilities and Transport, and local committees participated in the management of transport solutions.

    This increased civic participation and strengthed the capacities of citizens and civil society organizations to participate in transport services and traffic management solutions and mobility in the city.


    1. Public gatherings and also building a framework for consultation through dialogue between citizens and city offices, city districts and local boards

    • defining the procedure of cooperation with the city offices
    • 5 meetings on the mobility of the citizens in 10 local boards
    • 4 public debates on certain issues of mobility

    2. Strengthening capacity

    • 5 workshops for citizens and employees of the city in order to improve their capacity for transparent and sustainable management of public goods
    • once a week advisory services provided  to citizens in the “House of sustainable mobility”
    • improving mobility – agreed solutions in transport and mobility are becoming part of the small municipal action districts and local boards and plan activities the city office in charge of Transport
    • informing the public through the media, websites and social networks
    • organizing the photo contest “The movement of my city” and making a short film about the success of the dialogue with citizens


    To develop a dialogue on mobility between citizens and representatives of local self-government and city administration, the project partners have organized a number of activities and events within the framework of the project, with the purpose of developing skills and participating in discussions about mobility:

    • citizen meetings in local committees
    • Workshops for Citizens and City Employees with the purpose of strengthening the capacity for dialogue
    • providing counseling services to citizens in the “Home of Sustainable Mobility”
    • forwarding the proposals and comments of citizens gathered at neighborhood meetings with local self-government bodies and competent city administration offices,
    • input all comments and suggestions of citizens into the interactive map of the cycling syndicate > http://sindikatbiciklista.hr/interaktivnakarta/
    • organizing roundtables with the topic of urban mobility and presenting experiences of the “Dialog on mobility in Zagreb” project at Mobility gatherings
    • informing the public through media, websites and social networks
    • organizing a photo contest ” Mobility in my city”
    • making a short film about strengthening the dialogue between the city and the citizens
    • prepare written materials that will help Local Committees, City Districts and offices, but also citizens to be acquainted with steps and methods in establishing dialogue and dealing with mobility problems.

    Project coordinator: ODRAZ- Sustainable Community Development

    Partners: NGO  “Union of cyclists”, City of Zagreb, City Office for Physical Planning, Town Building, Construction, Utilities and Transport

    Project duration: 24 months (10th November 2015- 10th November 2017)

    Financial Support: This project is funded by the EU / IPA 2012 – Building local partnerships for open government and combating  corruption in the responsible management of natural resources. The share of the costs of the project co-funded by the Office of Cooperation  with the NGOs.


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