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24 years of commitment to sustainable development!
ODRAZ- Sustainable community development is a civil society organization that encourages and supports the implementation of sustainability-oriented changes.
Public policy
ODRAZ instigates participatory processes and actively contributes to shaping and monitoring of public policies wit….
Established through many years of implementation. Continually made compatible with beneficiaries needs.
38 professional publications and manuals intended to NGO`s, local government, volunteers…
Training on policy analysis and shadow report
Dutch expert Suzanne Bakker held in Zagreb from 4 to 6 May 2016 training on policy analysis and drafting of the shadow report, in the framework of ODRAZ's project "Education, support and promotion of good governance at the local level".Al...
A series of meetings with citizens as part of the project “Dialogue on mobility in Zagreb” have began
Meeting with citizens of City district Črnomerec held on 26 April 2016, was the first in a series of meetings under title "Mobility in my Neighbourhood", organised within the ODRAZ's project "Dialogue on mobility in Zagreb".Some 50 participants...
Round table “Pedestrians and cyclists – how to co-exist and share space?
Pedestrians and cyclists would not be in conflict if they are not pushed out by cars, is one of the messages of the round table "Pedestrians and cyclists - how to co-exist and share space?", held in Zagreb on 23 March 2016. The event was organized...
Preparation for EESC`s “YEYS 2016” event in Croatia
Croatian students will join the "Your Europe, Your say" event 2016 in Brussels and express their opinion on the issue of migration in Europe. As a part of preparations for their participation, where they will interact with other European students,...
Study visit to Graz of the network CIVINET Slovenia-Croatia-SEE and CIVINET Hungary
Because of its many achievements, as well as recently implemented large-scale projects in the field of sustainable mobility, the city of Graz was chosen for visit of 20 members of the network CIVINET Slovenia-Croatia-SEE and 20 members of the...
Most important decision of the Third CIVINET Slovenia-Croatia Network’s annual Assembly is the New name of the Network!
Assembly organized on 10th of February 2016 in the Slovenian Nova Gorica was an opportunity for members to meet and recall of Networks' activities done in 2015 and to announce activities in 2016. City of Nova Gorica presented projects and...