Public policies

ODRAZ instigates participatory processes and actively contributes to shaping and monitoring of public policies within the scope of ODRAZ work and efforts.

Politics is a set of actions used by governments at different levels in order to provide answers to specific public needs and to support the progress of the community and/or different groups. Expression `public policy` is relatively new and it changes our traditional comprehension of the word `politics`. In a broader sense, public policy is a continuous process which binds all of the community – representatives of public, business and civil society sector –  to participate in its shaping, implementation, monitoring and improvement.

ODRAZ participates and actively contributes to shaping and monitoring of implementation of public policies within the scope of our work and activities – environmental protection, sustainable development, rural development, regional development, local development, civil society development, public participation, lifelong learning, education for sustainable development, etc.

Representatives of ODRAZ are members of working bodies and ad hoc established working groups at EU, national, regional and/or local level:

  • Working group for monitoring the implementation of active employment policy measures
  • Council for Civil Society Development (2016 – 2017)
  • City of Zagreb Partnership Council for development of Zagrebplan
  • Intersectoral Coordination for monitoring of implementation of Action plan for education for sustainable development (AP OOR)
  • Member of HMRR’s Managing Board
  • Monitoring Committee of OP Human resources development 2007 – 2013
  • Monitoring Committee of the OP Effective human resources 2014- 2020,
  • ODRAZ is a member of both, Local partnership for employment (LPZ) of Zagreb County and Local partnership for employment (LPZ) of the City of Zagreb, where Lidija Pavić-Rogošić is Governing Board member
  • VII Thematic work groups for drafting Economic Programme of Croatia, Advisory Board of Coordination Committee for drafting programme documents for EU 2014 – 2020 financial framework
  • Council for Civil Society Development (2010 – 2012)
  • SAPARD/IPARD Monitoring Committee (2009 – 2012)
  • Croatian Council for Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection (till 2012), etc.


ODRAZ also takes part in reviewing, negotiating and – in a way, by actively participating – in directing of public policy at EU level:


Research implementation

In the framework of the project “SUSTINEO – Through cooperation, participation, research and education for sustainability”, three scientific studies were conducted, which were focused on different aspects of the necessary social changes:

  • Managing sustainable development in Croatia;
  • Experience of community-led local development on the example of LAGs;
  • Potential of social innovations for sustainable development in the Croatian context.

In the project, ODRAZ was involved in the creation and implementation of the research “Examination of the needs of digital inclusion of vulnerable groups” and the expert article “Presentation of the idea, implementation and activities of the project in order to integrate vulnerable groups into the digital society”.


ODRAZ representatives  address and comment on various strategy drafts, laws and acts that are within the scope of ODRAZ  work and aims, as well as analyse implementation of public policy and regulation in these matters:

  • In cooperation with the Croatian Rural Development Network: IPARD yesterday / today / tomorrow – Shadow report on implementation of the IPARD programme in Croatia 2010 – 2012, which aimed to suggest possible improvements I Rural development Programme 2014-2020 on a basis of gathering comments of users and potential beneficiaries of IPARD.
  • Do citizens have anything to say? CSO participation in decision making processes on local level – research results
  • Process and drafting of the Action plan for education for sustainable development was led by the director of ODRAZ. The Action plan serves as an instrument of Strategy of sustainable development of Croatia implementation.
  • Issuing opinion on the Associations Act draft; Programme of rural development 2014 – 2020


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