Placemaking workshop was held in Šibenik

24.07.2023 | Featured, Featured, News, News, ODRAZ news, ODRAZ news

ODRAZ organized a placemaking workshop in Šibenik on July 19, 2023 in cooperation with the Križevcii Laboratory for Climate Innovation. The workshop was an integral part of ODRAZ’s summer school where the participants were introduced to the placemaking approach, possibilities and tools, explored the potential of the place and actively participated in the process of co-creation. With the help of the Place Game tool, the participants evaluated the chosen place according to the given criteria, and then proposed practical solutions for improvement with the aim of creating a better and more pleasant place.

Placemaking is an innovative approach that enables citizens to actively contribute to the creation of communities adapted to their needs and interests. The workshop was a great opportunity to involve citizens in the process of co-creating a place, to stimulate imagination and visualize the city they want to see in the future. Most of the proposed solutions focused on reducing car traffic and increasing green areas in the city, which is in line with the climate policies of the European Union and the strategic vision of the City of Šibenik.

The participants were divided into five groups, each working on one selected location in Šibenik. At these locations, they collected relevant data using methods of observation and direct contact with citizens through questionnaires and the Place Game tool. After they visited the place, they analyzed the collected data and developed a group vision for each site together with the proposed solutions.

The solutions for each location presented included the greening by planting trees and bushy Mediterranean plants, installing street furniture to increase the comfort of the place, leaning on the individual benches, reducing the number of parking spaces and reorganizing those areas into parks, playgrounds, squares or parklets, building bicycle garage and space for hanging out.

The common goals of all solutions are the revitalization of the place, the inclusion of citizens in the entire process, strengthening the neighborhood and increasing the quality of life.

In the end, participants presented their solutions to the general public, including representatives of the Šibenik city administration, who showed interest and promised to consider some of the ideas in their further development plans. The workshop successfully connected citizens with local authorities and encouraged dialogue on the possibilities of further sustainable urban development of the city. In addition, the workshop made a significant contribution to strengthening awareness of placemaking as an important tool for improving city spaces, and inspired citizens to take an active role in creating a better and more sustainable environment for everyone.

This training was organised as part of the PLACE project (Placemaking for Citizen-led Missions in SE Europe), which is implemented in partnership by Placemaking Europe, Korimako, KLIK and PUSH. These organizations are part of the Thriving Communities initiative, which seeks to help communities make significant changes to create successful 21st century communities. The training was made possible with the support of the European Union Program „Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values“.

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