The conference on digital inclusion of the elderly and vulnerable groups successfully held in Zagreb

22.05.2023 | Featured, ODRAZ news

How to include the digitally excluded was the topic of the conference on digital inclusion in the context of empowering the elderly and vulnerable groups. The conference was held on May 19, 2023 at the Algebra Spark Space center.

The event was organized by ODRAZ, Telecenter, Faculty of Organization and Informatics, and the Croatian Informatics Corps – members of the Croatian Digital Literacy Network as part of the project
The event was opened by Lidija Pavić-Rogošić from ODRAZ presenting the project.
Žarko Čižmar from the Telecenter then presented the guidelines for the digital inclusion of vulnerable social groups, created within the framework of this project.
After that were some examples of good practice:
Robertina Zdjelar from the Faculty of Organization and Informatics Varaždin spoke about the readiness of public policies for e-inclusion of the 54+ population using the example of Varaždin County
Iva Klak Mršić presented the information literacy programs for the elderly, which are implemented by the Libraries of the City of Zagreb
Alisa Fabris from the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation presented the accessible educational digital platform DigiAcademy for people with intellectual disabilities, which was created as part of the Digi-ID Plus project.

After interesting presentations, a panel discussion was held “How to include the digitally excluded?” during which it was discussed what digital inclusion is and what digital knowledge and skills all citizens should adopt and why. Do we need a systematic approach to digital inclusion, who should implement digital inclusion programs and where these programs should be implemented.

The discussion also touched on the need for expert e-facilitators who should provide digital inclusion services, digital inclusion programs as an integral part of civic education of young people, as well as the direction in which developmental inclusion projects should go.

The project was co-financed by the European Union from the European Social Fund. The content of this announcement is the sole responsibility of Telecenter.

More about the project read HERE

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